entrepreneur business plan questions

Entrepreneur Business Plan Questions and Answers

The Entrepreneur Business Plan: Questions and Answers You may know your business concept inside and out, but taking your idea from notepad scribbles to reality isn’t easy. Many entrepreneurs get so caught up in how to start the process that the business itself never materializes. Fortunately, we’ve made this list of entrepreneur business plan questions so small business owners can …

5 Steps You Need to Take to Plan a Smooth Business Succession

5 Steps to Business Succession Planning We frequently ask “what’s next?” Other times we phrase it as – “and then what?” These are helpful questions to ask yourself about the future, for yourself, your family and your business. You’ve read countless times about the potential horrors that occur when a person dies or becomes incapacitated and they do not have …

The Importance of Building Company Culture in Your Business

How to Leverage Company Culture to Build a Successful Brand As companies in Silicon Valley promote their high-tech offices with flex space, bean bags, and unlimited coffee around the clock, many people see these benefits as culture. But culture goes way deeper than free snacks and a standing desk. “In a nutshell, culture is the “heartbeat” of a company. It’s …

start small business in south florida

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a business in South Florida

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Small Business in South Florida One of the most frequently asked questions we get, indeed almost daily, is about starting a business in South Florida. How is it different? What are the steps I need to take? How do I even begin? So, we decided to write an Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business in …

What is Succession Planning for Entrepreneurs?

The Second Habit of Highly Successful People is to begin with the end in mind.[1] Almost weekly, entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals talk with us about the goals for their business or practice. Few discuss their expected exit from the business. Practically none of them have thought about what would happen if they couldn’t go into work tomorrow. Indeed, 3 of …

How to Create a Solid Operating Agreement for Your Business

Your startup is up and running, but you have a million things to do before you can truly get off the ground. Considering the time and effort needed when working for yourself, it’s easy to overlook the creation of an official operating agreement—especially when the State of Florida doesn’t require it for all business entities. Unfortunately, overlooking this simple step can cause …

Myths and Misconceptions About Creating a Business Entity in Florida

A business is much more than a great idea: it has numerous moving parts that all have to work together seamlessly. Unfortunately, any one of those parts can mean the partial or total loss of everything you have worked for. By establishing a limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation, you can protect your enterprise no matter how many …

What to Look for in a Florida Corporate Law Attorney

Smart business owners know that it’s not a matter of if they’ll need an attorney, but when. All partnerships and corporations will require a lawyer at some point—and if you don’t have a trusted attorney by your side at the formation of your business, a sudden crisis might send you scrambling for legal help. 5 Hallmarks of a Good Corporate Law Attorney The right …

Insurance Companies Are Wasting Your Money

Ever wonder how an insurance company wastes your money? Here’s a perfect example of a complete waste of resources and money. Travelers Insurance Company responded to a demand letter I sent their client regarding a misleading auto sale. To convey their message, the one-page letter was emailed to me, after which I confirmed receipt1. It was then: Faxed; Sent certified …

Why do young families need an EP now?

Why Young Families Should Do Estate Planning Now

Why Young Families Should Do Estate Planning ASAP People often associate estate planning with senior citizens or wealthy couples with significant assets. The truth is that everyone, regardless of age or wealth, needs the financial benefits and protections that estate planning provides. Let’s discuss why young families should do estate planning decades before retirement age, including practical steps you can …