family limited partnership

Family Limited Partnership Vs Trust: How Do I Choose?

Family Limited Partnership Vs Trust: Which is Better for Your Assets? Estate planning is a complicated process when you have a family business. Your heirs aren’t ready to take over the reins just yet, but you need to prepare them for the complex roles you perform every day. Fortunately, you have options when it comes to passing on your family …

how to pass down family business

10 Steps to Starting a Small Business in South Florida

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Small Business in South Florida One of the most frequently asked questions we get, indeed almost daily, is about starting a business in South Florida. How is it different? What are the steps I need to take? How do I even begin? So, we decided to write an Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business in …

10 Ways to Lower Your Income Tax Bill for Next Year

10 Ways to Lower Your Income Tax Bill for Next Year

Tips to Pay Lower Income Taxes Next Year (No Matter Which Tax Bracket You’re In) Next year’s taxes are probably the last thing you want to think about, especially if you’ve recently filed your return. However, forming a tax strategy can mean less stress during tax season and more money in your pocket. If you’re an employee, business owner, high …

Florida Business Entity Types: A How-To Guide

Florida Business Entity Types: A How-To Guide

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Choosing the Right Business Entity in Florida There are several business entity options available to Florida entrepreneurs. Corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and sole proprietorships all have unique benefits and requirements under the law. So, how do you choose the best one for your new business venture?  Choosing the right legal structure is one of the four pillars of …

how to pass down family business

How to Pass Down the Family Business to a New Generation

The continuity of a family business, with its rich history and deeply ingrained traditions, is a testament to the dedication and hard work of those who came before. In an ever-changing market where trends come and go, the ability to pass down a successful family business to the next generation is a remarkable achievement. But how can you be sure …

Corporate Transparency Act Business Owner Reporting

The Corporate Transparency Act: What Business Owners Need to Know

There’s a new standard in place for virtually every company incorporated or registered to do business in the United States. Beginning on January 1, 2024, all legal entities and organizations are bound by the Corporate Transparency Act, which requires them to disclose information about their owners, officers, and controlling persons. Read on for an experienced business attorney’s recommendations on compliance with the new …

Estate Planning for Small Business Owners

5 Estate Planning Tools for Small Business Owners

If you’re a small business owner, estate planning might be the last thing on your mind. The day-to-day running of the company is likely filled with payroll concerns, marketing metrics, and attracting the right kind of talent to boost your growth. Unfortunately, many small business owners who put off estate planning don’t realize that they’re putting everything they’ve worked for …

5 Ways to Use AI Tools for Startup Businesses

5 Ways AI Tools Can Transform Your Startup or Small Business

Whether you welcome new technology, fear our new robot overlords, or don’t know what to think about AI integration, there’s no denying that 2023 is fast becoming the year of artificial intelligence. The rise of programs like Grammarly© and ChatGPT© using natural language processing to provide nearly-human responses is taking the world by storm.  As a savvy entrepreneur, you’re probably asking, …

Separating yourself from your business.

Entity Crisis: The Reason You Need to Separate Yourself from Your Business

Your business wouldn’t exist without you, but that doesn’t mean you and your business are one and the same. For you to maximize the benefits of owning your own company, it’s essential that you maintain two distinct entities: your business, and you as its employee.  Thinking of your business in this way has many advantages. One, you have a better …

4 Ways to Protect Your Assets as a Business Owner

4 Ways to Protect Your Assets as a Business Owner

The reality of being a business owner is that you open yourself up to a number of unique risks that most people don’t have to worry about—and the more successful your business is, the more risks you face. These risks also don’t care what industry or market you’re in. Unfortunately, most business owners aren’t fully aware of all the potential risks …