Demystifying 4 Myths about Business Entities

Demystifying 4 Myths about Business Entities

“Just set up an LLC . . .” These are famous last words in the business world. Setting up a business entity structure might not be the most exciting aspect of starting your own business. However, as a new, or even an experienced, business owner, there can be unexpected surprises but protecting your business should not be one of them. …

Want to know a life hack for legal documents?

4 Reasons to NOT Skimp on Legal Documents

I was the kid who wanted the crust off of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I didn’t think it was necessary. “That’s the best part” my mom would say to me as she took a bite! As an adult I understand what she meant, the proverbial crust is the best part sometimes. Similarly, cutting corners with your business …

how to hire employees for startup

How to Hire Employees for Startups and Small Business

How to Hire Employees for Startups: An Entrepreneur’s Guide Your daily operations are going well—so well, in fact, that you need help delivering on your contracts. Unfortunately, a sudden spike in orders or profits can easily lead to rushed hiring decisions that CEOs later regret. As a small business owner myself, I have a few tips on how to hire …

entrepreneur business plan questions

Entrepreneur Business Plan Questions and Answers

The Entrepreneur Business Plan: Questions and Answers You may know your business concept inside and out, but taking your idea from notepad scribbles to reality isn’t easy. Many entrepreneurs get so caught up in how to start the process that the business itself never materializes. Fortunately, we’ve made this list of entrepreneur business plan questions so small business owners can …

start small business in south florida

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a business in South Florida

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Small Business in South Florida One of the most frequently asked questions we get, indeed almost daily, is about starting a business in South Florida. How is it different? What are the steps I need to take? How do I even begin? So, we decided to write an Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business in …

Inheriting the family business

Inherited a Family Business? What To Do Right Now

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Inheriting the Family Business Inheriting a family business can be overwhelming. Even if you knew this day would come, you still don’t feel fully prepared—and business succession is even more complicated if your family members dispute who should be at the helm.  While no single resource can prepare you to bear the risks and rewards of …

How to Break Up with Your Business Partner Without Ruining Your Livelihood

Nobody likes to consider a breakup at the start of a new relationship. Like romantic relationships, business relationships can (and do) end—and failing to plan for the worst can lead to much more than a broken heart. A fallout with a business partner can mean the loss of all of your clients, your staff, or your future profits—especially if you don’t …