A Guide to Paying Final Expenses After the Death of a Family Member Paying expenses after death can place significant financial stress on grieving families. Without prepaid funeral services or payable-on-death funds, your personal representative might have to dip into their own savings to cover the costs—at least until probate clears. Unfortunately, many family members are unprepared for the high …
Talking About Estate Planning for Elderly Parents
Estate Planning for Elderly Parents: How to Nudge Mom or Dad Into Making a Will Sixty isn’t what it used to be. Indeed, seventy doesn’t seem to restrict too many people either. These days, people clinically labeled “elderly” may be active, in great health, and show no signs of slowing down—have you seen who dominates the pickleball courts? So when …
Estate Planning for Millennials and Generation X
Estate Planning for Millennials: How to Protect Your Partner, Young Children, and Aging Parents If you’re in your 40s or just celebrated your 50th birthday, your daily life has a variety of challenges. Career advancement, planning for retirement, raising teenagers, caring for aging parents—you’re so busy that the thought of getting your affairs in order hasn’t even crossed your mind. …
Lady Bird Deed vs Quit Claim Deeds: How to Pass on Real Estate in Florida
You probably know deeds are legal documents that transfer legal ownership of an asset from one party to another. However, you might not know that there are a myriad of deeds used in each state, each with different powers and limitations. The one you need depends on when and how you want to relinquish control of a property. For example, …
What to Consider Before Disinheriting an Heir in Florida
There may come a time when a relative’s behavior warrants their removal from your estate plan. Such a decision normally does not come lightly, and the person seeking to make the change has often agonized over the decision for several weeks (if not months). Completely disinheriting an heir in the immediate family, such as a child or grandchild, should be …
From Boom to Zoom: Benefits of Estate Planning at Different Ages
Most people consider themselves too young to start estate planning. It’s something their parents should think about, or their grandparents need to do. The truth is that there are advantages to estate planning at different ages — and significant drawbacks to putting off the task for another day. Every generation has different priorities and circumstances, but they all have one …
What Unmarried Couples Need To Include In Their Estate Plans
Marriage isn’t the only way to make a family. Couples may share the same home, finances, and children for decades without ever walking down the aisle. Whether you and your partner have decided against matrimony or are putting the wedding off until the time is right, the legal status of your union doesn’t really affect your day-to-day life. However, without …
Florida Estate Planning Checklist in 10 Easy Steps
Florida Estate Planning Checklist: 10 Ways to Get Your Affairs in Order Estate planning is vital to ensuring your property is distributed according to your wishes after passing away. Each state has specific considerations and laws that come into play when crafting an effective estate plan. Our Florida estate planning checklist aims to guide you through the key steps to …
5 Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Fix Them
You’re ready to build an estate plan that gives you peace of mind and ensures a healthy financial future for your loved ones. Before you can take control of your future, you’ll need to know the pitfalls lurking in these essential documents, ready to undermine your wishes and diminish your legacy. Our legal team has prepared this list of estate planning …
Persons Prohibited from Possessing Firearms in Florida
Is the Trustee of Your Florida Firearms Trust a Prohibited Person? Florida gun trusts offer a simple and private way to transfer your Title II firearms to new owners. However, you must choose carefully when appointing someone to act as trustee to your revocable living trust. Your trustee must not only be a responsible party; they must be legally able to …