Invest In Yourself

Invest In Yourself

What is the best investment you have ever made? It could have been stock options in a company, an NFT, an investment property, or a collectible item. As entrepreneurs, we think the most valuable investment you could make is to invest in yourself.  The return on your investment (ROI) of yourself will help you to enjoy the profits now as well …

Estate Planning from your Phone

Estate Planning from Your Phone

That phone in our pockets could launch any of us to the moon. The days of maybe having a phone and a computer have evolved to having a computer in our phone that fits in the palm of our hand. Computing power has increased exponentially. Indeed, a rough estimate puts a single phone’s computing power to be about 250 million …

5 Ways That Your Estate Plan Can Fail

Planning a vacation is fun and exciting, however, there is a lot of preparation before the experience. The lists of what to do and what to bring is important but not as important as remembering to ENJOY a vacation. It’s supposed to be fun and relaxing, or at a minimum, memorable. Also, you can probably get plenty of deep thinking …

Estate Planning

FL Estate Planning Lawyer for Legacy & Wealth Protection

The term “estate planning” can sometimes seem cold and formal, even to an estate planning attorney. As a legal term, “estate” encapsulates everything you acquire throughout the course of your life: homes, property, stocks, wealth, and belongings. But is that really all you are? What about your values, the life lessons you have learned, the wise counsel you could pass …

US Supreme Court decides 8-1 to Uphold Revocation-On-Divorce Provision

These days, when the US Supreme Court decides a matter 8-1[1], it should be “breaking news!” That the case also involves estate planning matters means that you should know about it as soon as possible. So as not to keep you in suspense, here’s what is important. For life insurance policies that a married couple purchases and cross-designates the beneficiary, …

Upgrading Your Estate Plan Now That Your Kids Are Off to College

Sending your kids off to college is a bittersweet experience. Some parents are reluctant to let their children out into the real world, constantly worrying about their health and safety. Others are eager to remodel the child’s bedroom or take the couple’s vacations they never could when their kids were young. No matter how you feel about your child’s imminent …

Spring Cleaning for your Legal and Financial Affairs

Spring is in full swing and summer is right around the corner! This means that it is spring cleaning time and summer slim down! Shake out the rugs, clean out the cupboards, and donate those clothes that might not be fashionable anymore. This is also an excellent opportunity to get your legal and financial affairs in order. For many, it’s …

Will Your Company Survive the Death of Your Business Partner?

You started your own business to have full control over your finances and your future. However, if you attempt to pass on business assets in a personal estate plan, your authority could be gone in an instant, leaving your profits, employees, and reputation in the hands of the Florida probate courts. If you own part or all of a business, …

How Joe Biden’s Tax Proposals Could Affect Your Estate Plan

Every election year brings the potential for change, with new laws and proposals in the works before candidates even take office. This election is no different, and the proposed changes in the law are especially worrying for Florida residents with high net worth. Joe Biden’s tax plan proposes raising rates and lowering exemptions from the top down, with the highest …