Tragedy in Paris, Part III: San Bernardino, & Enemy Preparedness

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.” Sun Tzu As the massacre in Paris fades from the headlines, terrorists are determined to keep their cause at the forefront of western civilization. In San Bernardino, California a married couple came to disability services Center, opened fire, and killed 14 people …

YOU LIED! Lessons in Business Fraud Prevention

In hindsight, I should have asked more questions. One of the most well known of Master Sun’s instructions is that “all warfare is based on deception.” The business community adopted many of Sun Tzu’s teachings in the last twenty years. Thus, in some manner, thousands of people engage in deceptive interactions with their fellows in countless different matters. Depending on …

Tragedy in Paris, Part II: Taking Legal Action

Letters of Marque & Reprisal Over the past ten days, the response to the Paris massacre has been swift and deadly. AA, Daesh’s team leader, was killed in a shootout with police. The day after the attacks in Paris, French President Hollande authorized a series of airstrikes against Daesh positions in Syria. Russian President Putin directed Russian forces in Syria …

Defining the Legal Relationship Between Grandparents and Their Grandchildren

Raising a grandchild (or even spending a lot of time with your grandchild while his or her parents work) can be fraught with legal and financial complications. Lacking many of the inherent rights parents have, grandparents who are responsible for the care of their grandchildren may encounter unexpected legal challenges. Even if you are your grandchild’s full-time caregiver, consider obtaining …