Friday nights are typically spent winding down the week by trying to organize the chaos of corralling small children. A bit to my surprise, my wife remarked, “there are police cars in front of the house, what’s going on?” True enough, when I looked out the window there were actually 4 police cars in the vicinity of the house – …
The Framework of a Deal
Donald Trump published a book many years ago titled “The Art of the Deal.” Dozens of articles are published every year about negotiating a better deal. This past week, the United States announced that a framework of a deal to restrict Iran’s ability to obtain nuclear weapons. However, the details still need to get worked out before June 30, 2015. …
The Dixie Win
Justice can sometimes move at a pace of major city rush hour traffic. However, courts do arrive at the correct decision when they are given a chance to apply the law. In April of 2015, Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal released its decision in the case of Griffin Industries, Inc. v. Dixie Southland Corp. I was Dixie’s trial counsel and we …
Tom Brady, #Deflategate, and Lessons in Evidence
Recently, the sports world was abuzz with the findings of the Wells Report that Tom Brady was more likely than not to have had knowledge of the fact that official game balls were deflated to a point under the NFL’s minimum pressure. Brady emphatically denied knowing or participating in any type of cheating. Based on the conclusions of the Wells …
Choosing the Battlefield – Part I
Where to hold a legal event? The other day in court, I observed two lawyers arguing about where mediation should take place. The first lawyer, from a prestigious Florida law firm, argued that the mediation should not occur at the plaintiff’s office because the facilities there were not comfortable enough; therefore, it should be held at a court reporter’s office. …
Understanding the Difference Between Employees vs. Independent Contractors
Reduce Liability by Properly Classifying Independent Contractors Throughout the Art of War, Master Tzu often instructs that the leader must depend on the quality of the army in order to wage war. In business, the CEO must create a team that will execute the business’ tasks on the path to success. An old adage of entrepreneurship is to “only do …
Setting and Achieving Goals in the New Year
As each new year rolls around, countless people make personal and professional resolutions for themselves. People resolve to build their businesses so that better success could be achieved by the next December. Unless the processes to obtain those goals have been modified, the truth is that at the end of this year will likely look a lot like the end of last …
Negative Online Review Leads to $350,000 Recovery in Defamation Action
Negative Online Review Leads to $350,000 Recovery in Defamation Action Social media has brought many benefits to business. A slew of positive reviews on Yelp!, Google, Amazon, or even on a smaller business’ website will likely lead to increased customer visits and higher sales. However, negative reviews could potentially destroy the viability of a product, service, or entire business. So …
A Sunny Year for the Sunshine State
We are pleased to announce Yolofsky Law has been featured in the January 2016 edition of Acquisition International. Using the digital publication below, navigate to page 110 to read the full editorial, A Sunny Year in the Sunshine State. For your convenience, the full article text has been provided just below the digital publication Yolofsky Law has developed a three-part “manoueuvre” strategy …
Four Takeaways from Super Bowl L
The Broncos and the Panthers played a historic Super Bowl, not only because of the milestone number, but also because of the many small things that occurred during and after the game. It may very well have been Peyton Manning’s sendoff. The game itself surprised many because the real question beforehand was if Denver’s vaunted defense could stop Carolina’s offensive …